DVD Specials

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15th Anniversary Special


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15th Anniversary Special


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Adventures North
15th Anniversary Special DVD
PO Box 1995 Main Postal Station
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can R3C 3R3
La Riviere Delay, Northern Quebec

The Caribou Collection 1 Hour Special
Michel Labbe and Steve Ashton display 1 of their 4 Caribou
Arctic Adventures - Inukshuk Camp, Nunavik, Quebec
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The Caribou Collection


To order by mail and pay by cheque or money order:

Send $16.95 US or $17.95 Cdn to:

Adventures North
The Caribou Collection DVD
PO Box 1995 Main Postal Station
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can R3C 3R3

15th Anniversary One Hour Special

Featuring the best of the best from our first 15 years!  Huge fish reeled in!  Mass migrations of Caribou!  A polar bear encounter!  B+C trophy Caribou harvest!    Featuring remote locations across Canada's north from the NWT and Nunavut to B.C., northern Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and the Nunavik region.  We'll drop in on some of the most legendary fishing destinations on the planet!  You'll meet 5 of our regular co-hosts - see incredible fish and fishing - great Caribou hunts - lots of closeup wildlife footage - extraordinary arctic and subarctic scenery and then we wrap it up with some of our lighter moments and humorous bloopers!
Steve with a Lake Trout at Plummer's Lodge
Great Bear Lake, NWT, Canada

Steve with an Arctic Char at Plummers Lodge
Tree River, Nunavut, Canada

The Caribou Collection 1 Hour Special

This 3 part special was shot on location in arctic Quebec's Nunavik region.  Our first stop is Payne Bay along the northern Ungava Bay coast where we encounter a mass summer migration of Quebec-Labrador Caribou.  It's a true spectacle of nature, one of the largest migrations of animals on earth.  During our stay we saw several hundred thousand Caribou.  In Part 2 we move northwest to the Tuksukatuk River, located along the Hudson Bay coast, south of the village of Puvirnituq.  Here we enjoy spectacular hunting, fishing and camaraderie in this very remote area.  Resident Caribou and other wildlife abound, and the waters are full of trout and char.  Several beautiful bulls with nice racks are harvested, on this unique coastal tundra hunt.  In Part 3 we return to the Kuujjuaq area for a 10 day late season hunt.  We spend the first 5 days at Willie's Camp during the peak of the fall colors and the Caribou migration.  Throughout our stay we were always within close range of Caribou and all hunters we encountered had been successful.  From Willie's we move to Fidelity Lake where we encounter even more Caribou and more hunting action!  The grand finale takes place at Inukshuk Camp where winter arrives with the first major snowstorm of the year.  After a day and half the sun came out and with it arrived another migration of mostly bulls.  It took more than a day for the whole herd to pass by.  The action was exceptional and many big bulls were taken, like Michel Labbe's giant 408-1/2 pt B+C Top 5!  Great sportsmen interviews, loads of Caribou footage and closeups of these 'Masters of the Tundra'.

To order for delivery to Canada:

The Caribou Collection
